Designing 3D models using Fusion 360

Fusion 360 is an Integrated CAD, CAM, and CAE software. You can consolidate your product development process. Unify design, engineering, electronics, and manufacturing into a single platform.

As it is from the AutoDesk family, you will find the command structure similar to AutoCAD or Inventor. With the rate of uptake and the direction provided by AutoDesk, Fusion 360 will slowly replace the other AutoDesk software.

Examples of some 3D model design

As part of our assignments we had to create some objectsas shown below

This is a nametag that has been created from scratch.

Firstly by starting of with selecting the right plane to sketch on. Then start of by obtaining all dimensions so that you will draw your object accurately. Ensure that the sketch we've created is constraint , otherwise we would have troubles extruding the sketch. From there, finish your sketch and use the command Extrude to obtain the 3D model.

By creating another sketch on the plane (where we want our name to be on the nametag) we can type in any text we want on the nametag. In this case I'm using my name. Once done , extrude the text and there we have it, A beautiful Nametag.

This is a knight chess piece

Firstly i started off with selecting a knight chess piece from google, then inserting the image as a canvas into fusion 360 onto a plane. From there, i merely traced the image along its outlines. Once done , i made sure the sketch was fully constraint and ready for revolving. Revolving creates a 3D model based on a profile and an axis to revolve upon. As you can see the base of the chess piece is made using the revolve command. However, in the upper section of the chess piece (the horse head)is extruded.

Links to my fusion 360 file for the above models